We Do

The primary activity of the Trust is to provide free remedial education to children from poor families. The Trust helps these children excel at school as well as empower them through theatre, music and art. It also offers modest financial assistance to a small number of students depending on their need and potential to do better. The majority of the children targeted by IRMET are officially enrolled in state-run schools. The problem associated with most state-run schools are numerous and well documented. These schools typically suffer from a lack of material resources, inept management and a largely unmotivated teaching staff. Consequently, they have a large drop-out rate beyond primary school and are notorious for their inability to inculcate even simple literacy skills in their students, even after 5 to 6 years of schooling. The Trust strives to encourage children to stay in the school system mainly by inculcating in them a love for learning. It does this be helping children perform better in their studies at school by making the task of learning more interesting as well as help children discover their hidden talents in areas outside of the school curriculum. The Trust also has a small group of non-school going children, mainly young girls, who work as domestic help in the neighbourhood.